Maps and Morons

Inspirations and Legends

If you need some tips for your writing, a quick jolt of ideation for a game, or just a new independent creator to support, then look no further than these unsung heroes of the hobby! Everyone on this list is dedicated to helping you achieve your fullest creative potential. Throw them a like, follow, or share, and tell 'em Radar sent ya!

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DM Dave's Publishing

Norman's finest.

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Dad the Dungeon Master

The coolest dad.

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DnD Shorts

War crimes and chill times.

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XP to Level 3

A very positive channel.

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The eldritch uncle I wish I had.

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The Church of Doom

Stand and deliver.

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King of crazy-ass homebrew.

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Deck of DM Things

Shepherd of the nerd herd.

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Ginny Di

Herald of the spells.

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Sensei Suplex

The master at work.

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Bob World Builder

He can fix it!